The foundation Carpe Diem was founded in 1993 with the purpose to start and run a school in the castle of Fredrikshov. Since then, Fredrikshov has managed to become one of the best schools in Sweden, through continuous development of both the school itself and the pedagogy and methods we use.
Carpe Diem is the organiser of Fredrikshovs slotts skola and holds ultimate responsibility for the school's operations. The foundation's mission is to run Fredrikshovs slotts skola as a private school, focus on developing a student-centered teaching method, particularly in the natural sciences, and support exchanges with schools in other countries.
Fredrikshovs slotts skola is a non-profit organisation. All money is invested back into the school, the education and the students.
The board’s members all have a strong commitment to the school and its interests and together they have a wide range of competencies and experience. Most members are parents of children who attend the school.
The role of board member is voluntary. A nominating committee ensures that the board is complete and has an appropriate composition.
You are welcome to contact the board if you have any questions regarding overarching strategic matters about the school's operations. Questions about day-to-day matters, such as those related to teaching and education, should be directed to the principal or other staff members.
Board members
Head of board: Johan Mörner, Business Economist
Board members:
Martina Bonde Liska Gahn, Head of education
Henrik Bengtsson, Lawyer
Kajsa Tamsen, HR Specialist
Marika Dimming, Legal Professional
Kristian Kallenberg, Doctor of Economics
Einar Janson, Intellectual historian/Real estate expert
Sofia Wallström, Vice principal grade F-3