Admissions for children born in 2014 or later

To make our queue system fair for everyone, no matter what time of the year someone is born, the board decided in 2014 to modify the admission and queue rules of the school.

The new rules only apply to children born in 2014 or later and their purpose is to make sure that children born on December 31st have the same chances of being admitted as children born on January 1st.

For children born before 2014 the same rules as before still apply – meaning that queue placement is only based on what date the application reached the school.


  • The child must be 4 years old. Invalid applications will automatically be deleted.
  • We only approve applications made through our online application system.
  • The child must have a valid Swedish personal identity number. If the child has a co-ordination number, please contact

The queue number is decided based on the number of days between the child’s 4th birthday and the date of the application. The closer to the 4th birthday the application is made, the better the queue number.
If several children have the same number of days in the queue, their queue number will be decided randomly.


Admissions for preschool class

Every fall term we admit 24 students for preschool class. Children with sibling priority will firstly be offered a spot, and after that in order of the queue.

Parents of students who are offered a spot will receive this information by email or telephone. No information is sent to students who are not offered a spot.

Admissions for 1st grade

Admissions for 1st grade follow these criteria in order;

  1. Students that have attended preschool class at Fredrikshov and are registered at the school at the time of admission
  2. Sibling priority
  3. Queue number


Observera att Fredrikshovs slotts skola inte är ansluten till Stockholms stads skolval. Detta innebär att ni inte kan välja vår skola i e-tjänsten eller via blankett när ni rankar era val. Det är också viktigt att understryka att de val ni gör inom Stockholms stads skolval inte påverkar era möjligheter att bli antagna hos oss.

Sibling priority

Fredrikshov slotts skola's first selection criterion is sibling priority. Sibling priority applies to children who already have at least one sibling enrolled at the school in the year the applying child is to start. The children must be registered at the same address and have at least one common legal guardian for the sibling priority to be valid.

Additional information

To prevent the queue from becoming too static and to allow families further down the queue the opportunity to advance, a child will be removed from the queue if:

  • Admissions offering email is returned to us due to an invalid email address
  • We do not receive a reply to our offer
  • The reply to the offer is too late

If there is still an interest to attend the school, children who are deleted from the queue can make a new application. If you have any further questions, please contact the school administration office:

Remember to keep your contact information updated

It is your responsibility to keep your contact information updated at all times, to enable us to contact you in case your child would be offered a spot at our school. Log in here to update your contact information.

Personal information is handled in regulation with The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). Please contact if you have any questions regarding what personal information the school saves or if you wish to have your information deleted.


All questions related to the queue and admission for Fredrikshovs slotts skola are handled by the school administrator. Please contact

Please note that your child must have turned 4 years old.

