Round Square
Since 2024, Fredrikshovs slotts skola has been a member of the international organisation Round Square, becoming the second school in the Nordics to join. Round Square is a global network of schools united by six core values – Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership, and Service (IDEALS). These values guide the schools in their mission to provide students with both academic and personal development.
Round Square offers students at Fredrikshovs slotts skola a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons and grow in an international environment. Through our membership, students gain a platform to connect with other children from around the world, participating in collaborations, exchanges, and projects that span cultures, languages, and continents. They also have the chance to learn about the world through experiential learning that deepens understanding, empathy, and their global perspective. Through these encounters students build relationships, take on new challenges, and develop their leadership skills in practice. With Round Square, we aim not only to use the network as a resource for our students but also to be an active participant and source of inspiration for other schools and students worldwide.
Read more about Round Square here.
Educational trips
In addition to our membership in Round Square, the school also has the opportunity to offer our students various educational trips. Each year, for instance, the 6th grade embarks on a science-themed trip, while the 9th grade typically travels to Kraków and Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland as part of their social studies curriculum.