Fredrikshovs Fritidshem är öppet för elever i årskurs F–4 alla ordinarie skoldagar och under kortare lov. Klubben är för elever i årskurs 5-6 och är till för bl.a. läxläsning.
Through meaningful activities we contribute to students’ lifelong learning! The school works together with fritids and the two departments interact all throughout the school day. Through curiosity and joy we prepare the children in the best way for the future.
Playful challenges at fritids
At Fredrikshovs slotts skola we have high ambitions; we want to challenge both ourselves and our students. This of course includes fritids as well. Since 2016 all after school clubs have their own curriculum, which we actively incorporate in our work all the time. There is a plan with every activity at fritids and these plans are available for both students and parents to view. This is to make visible what we strive to achieve through the activities, in terms of knowledge and skills. A typical week at Fredrikshov’s fritids offers a variety of activities. Choir practice, sewing, theatre, ball games, dance, programming, art and much more. We also often take advantage of all the cultural activities available nearby, as well as the beautiful nature that can be found just around the corner. About once a week we make an excursion of some kind.
At fritids we actively work with values as well as the students’ social skills. In the beginning of every week we have a Monday gathering where we go through this week’s activities, talk about how we act towards each other and also appoint the “friend of the week”, to someone who has been a good friend. Every class also has a dialogue group where they are given the opportunity to discuss any current issues or events.
We also work with break activities. Each longer break the children are invited to join a preorganised game. This could be anything from a ball game to more difficult tasks where the students will practice teamwork, problem solving and logical thinking such as a treasure hunt or a task bingo. The purpose of these break activities is to get children to play with new friends and to challenge them through activities they otherwise wouldn’t have tried.
Klubben – for our older students
För de äldre eleverna i åk 5-6 erbjuder vi Klubben. Där ingår, utöver mellanmål varje dag, läxläsning och en kurs i avancerad engelska med legitimerade lärare.